Proper advice from Agri doctor on every problem of crop
100% Original Product with Free Home Delivery
Do crop planning with accurate weather information
Farming updates, schemes and plans through Krishi gyan video
60 lakh farmers trust Agrostar
Key Points
Products Available in Kit
Stelar (Giberellic Acid 0.001% L) 500 ml X 1 UNIT
Mandoz (Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP) 500 g X 1 UNIT
Shutter (Thiamethoxam 75% SG) 100 g X 1 UNIT
Extra description
We have prepared a special treatment for you to control Sucking pest like Jassids,Thrips, aphids And Fungal disease Like Rhizome rot,anthracnose,Alternaria leaf spot,Blight, dry Rot, Bacterial wilt This treatment has one insecticide,one fungicide and one crop nutrients which is Increases quantity and quality of produce and keep healthy growth of theTurmeric & Ginger crop
Applicable crops
Turmeric & Ginger
Stelar:Increases quantity and quality of produce;Mandoz:Rhizome rot,anthracnose,Alternaria leaf spot,Blight, dry Rot, Bacterial wilt;Shutter:Jassid,aphid,Thrips