●it a valuable tool for mite and whitefly resistance management
●Excellent persistence in activity against all developmental stages (especially eggs and nymphs) of whiteflies and mites
●New mode of action : Lipid biosynthesis inhibition (LBI)
●It also red uces female fecundity and enhances egg sterilization – Transovarian effect results into unhatched eggs
●Relatively safe to environment- Fit in IPM programme
Cotton - White Fly, Mite
Brinjal- Red Spider Mite
Chilli- Chilli Yellow Mite
Tomato- White Fly & Mite
Cucumber- Cucumber mite
Okra- Red spider mite
Tea- Red Spider Mite
Apple- European Red Mite & Red Spider Mite
Compatible with commonly used fungicides.
Frequency of application
Depends on pest incidence.
Applicable crops
Cotton, Brinjal, Chilli, Tomato, Cucumber, Okra, Tea and Apple