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Panaca M-45 (Mancozeb 75% WP) 1 kg

( 50% ಆಫ್ )
price per unitInclusive of all taxes
Proper advice from Agri doctor on every problem of crop
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effective protectant fungicide which control diseases caused by all four major classes of plant pathogens in wide range of the cross.
Mancozeb 75% WP
Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Jowar, Potato, Tomato, chilli(Fruitrot, Riperot, Leaf Spot), Cauliflower(Leaf Spot), Groundnut (Tikka disease& rust), Grapes, Banana, Cumin, Beans, Watermelon, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Onion, Tapioka, Ginger, Sugarbeat, Soybean, Sunflower, Lentil, Coconut, welnut: 600-800gm/acre; Guava : 2 gm/1 Ltr; Apple : 3 gm/1 Ltr; Groundnut (Seed Treatment-Collar rot) 2.5 to 3.0 gm/ kg seed; soil drench: Chillies(Damping off); Culiflower(Collar rot- after seed germination ):3 gm/ltr water
Spray, Drenching, Seed Treatment
Wheat: Brown&black rust, Blight, Maize: Leafblight, Downy mildew; Paddy: (Rice) Blast ; Jowar: Leafspot; Potato: Lateblight, Earlyblight; Tomato: Lateblight, Buckeye rot, Leafspot; Chilies: Damping off, Fruitrot, Riperot, Leafspot; Cauliflower: Collarrot, Leafspot; Groundnut: Tikka disease& rust, Collar rot, Leaf spot; Grapes: Angular leafspot, Downy mildew, Anthracnose; Guava: Fruitrot; Banana: Cigar end rot, Tip rot, Sigatoka, leafspot; Apple: Scab & sooty blotch; Cumin Blight; Musk Melon: Watermelon : Anthracnose; Bottel gourd: Anthracnose; Bitter gourd : Anthracnose; Onion: Leaf blight; Tapioca: Leaf spot; Ginger :Yellow disease; Sugar beet:Leaf spot; Soybean: Rust, Sunflower: Leaf spot, Leaf rust; Coconut: Leaf spot; Walnut: Downy leaf spot.
It is compatible with commonly used pesticides. It is not compatible with lime sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.
10 days
Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease.
Apple, Banana, Beans, Bitter gourd, Bottel gourd, Cauliflower, Chillies, Coconut, Ginger, Grapes, Ground Nut, Guava, Jowar, Lentil, Maize, Musk Melon, Onion, Paddy, Potato, Soyabean, Sugar beet, Sunflower, Tapioca, Tomato, Walnut, Watermelon, Wheat