खेती अपडेत,और योजनाए कृषी ज्ञान व्हिडीओ माध्यम से जाने
60 लाख किसानों का एग्रोस्टार पर भरोसा
मुख्य बिंदु:
अतिरिक्त विवरण
We have developed a special treatment for you to control weeds in onion. This treatment includes 500 ml targa super 250 ml goal, 3 kg Onion seeds (Onion Panchganga Nifad Selection Seed ) and a spreader(Sticking Agent) Which increases the efficiency of your weedicides And controls weeds and keeps onion crops healthy and weedfree
उपयुक्त फसलें
Targa Super:effective weedicide for control of narrow leaf weeds in broad leaf crops;Goal:selective and contact herbicide providing control of annual broad-leaf weeds, some grasses and suppression of some perennials;Wetsil plus:Increasing efficiency of chemical Pesticides