•Nanovita N32 is highly soluble nitrogenous fertilizer that provides fast acting & long lasting plant nutrient from its three forms of nitrogen.
•Quick response from nitrate, longer lasting from ammonical & sustained feeding from the Urea nitrogen, which is useful for the plant structure & overall growth of plants.
Compatible with other ferilizer
Applicable crops
All field crops and horticulture crop
Extra description
• Nanovita N32 helps to meet the N demand of crops where the nitrification process is very slow in soil due to low soil temperature.
• Nanovita N32 is commonly used for foliar applications for uniform distributions & efficient absorptions by leaves to minimize wastage.
• Nanovita N32 Quickly absorption of urea, ammonium and nitrate N of N 32 increases the early growth through chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis of plants.
• Nanovita N32 helps to develop the tillers & branching in the initial stages of the crops.
Special Remark
The information provided here is for reference only. Always refer to the product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and directions for use.