पिकाच्या प्रत्येक समस्येवर कृषी डॉक्टरांचा योग्य सल्ला
100% मूळ उत्पादन मोफत होम डिलिव्हरी
हवामानाच्या अचूक माहितीसह पीक नियोजन
कृषी विज्ञान व्हिडिओद्वारे शेतीचे अपडेट, आणि योजना
६० लाख शेतकऱ्यांचा AgroStar वर भरोसा
महत्वाचे गुणधर्म:
कॉम्बो मध्ये उपलब्ध उत्पादन
Shutter (Thiamethoxam 75% SG) 100 g X 1 UNIT,
Mandoz (Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP) 500 g X 1 UNIT,
Bhumika WSP 400gm X 2 UNIT,
Sulphur Maxx (Sulphur 90% Fertilizer) 3 kg Bucket X 1 UNIT
Shutter - 50 gm /acre,
Mandoz -500 gm/acre,
Bhumika WSP -400 g/acre in foliar or drenching and 800g/acre drip irrigation,
Sulphur Maxx -3 Kg per acre
वापरण्याची पद्धत
Spray/Soil Application
Shutter - Jassid , Thrips and Termites,
Mandoz -Leaf spot, Powdery mildew,
Bhumika WSP - Improves overall plant growth, vigor and root development,
Sulphur Maxx - 1- Sulphur maxx helpful to uptake other macronutrients and promote over all plant growth. 2. It is playing most critical job is helping produce protein molecules and amino acids, which are required to produce chlorophyll, lignin, and pectin.
पिकांसाठी लागू
अतिरिक्त माहिती
Shutter provides long-lasting control of insect pests. Mandoz helps control leaf diseases. Bhumika WSP improves nutrient availability, and Sulphur Maxx boosts resistance to pests and diseases, enhances photosynthesis, and reduces soil pH.
The information offered here is for reference only and depends exclusively on soil type and climatic conditions. Always refer to product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and directions for use.