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How to Use
Key Points
Chemical composition
Humic Acid & Fulvic Acid Derivatives in Flakes Form 50%
1. For spray use 1gm per litre of water,
2. For soil application use 400gm/acre.
Method of application
Spray, drenching and drip irrigation
Ø Dissolve rapidly than any other form of Humic acid power
Ø HUMIC POWER NX helps in development of white roots.
Ø It increases the microbial activity around the roots.
Ø It increases water holding capacity in soil.
Ø It is conductor of nutrient from soil to plant roots.
Frequency of application
2-3 applications at 15 days of interval as per requirement/recommendations
Applicable crops
All horticulture and field crops
Extra description
Ø It stimulates the production of chlorophyll.
Ø It helps the micro nutrients to penetrate the root nodules faster.
Ø It holds the nutrients in such a way that it can be absorb easily.
Ø It also enhances hormones ultimately productivity and yield increases
Special Remark
For optimum results supply HUMIC POWER NX near to root zone.