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Entyzer 75ml (Entyzer 75ml-1unit + Atraz 500g-3unit) KIT

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Key Points

Products Available in Kit
Entyzer (Topramezone 33.6 % SC) 75 ml X 1 UNIT Atraz (Atrazine 50% WP) 500 g X 3 UNIT
Chemical composition
Entyzer : Topramezone 33.6 % SC , Atraz : Atrazine 50% WP ,
For application in 1 acre , prepare a stock solution of 30ml Entyzer and 500g Atraz in 9.5 Liter clean water. Add 1 liter of this stock solution in a Knapsack sprayer tank with 16 lit capacity. Add 30 ml Agro sprade directly into the tank. For 1 acre, use 10 spray pumps.
Method of application
Elusine indica, Digitaria sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium aegyptiun, Echinocloa spp, Chloris barbata, Parthenium hysterophorus, Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima, Alternanthera sessilis, Convolvulus arvensis, Celotia argentea
Do not mix with any fungicide or insecticide.
Applicable crops
Extra description
Effectively kills all major narrow & broad leafy weeds of corn. Completely safe for all the corn species at all the growth stages. Reduces Crop Weed Competition by killing all major weeds. Yield increases & cost of cultivation reduces
Special Remark
The information offered here is for reference only and depends exclusively on soil type and climatic conditions. Always refer to product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and directions for use.