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Key Points
Chemical composition
Sex Pheromone lure of P. gossypiella
10-12 traps/Acre
Method of application
This one Lure/Dispenser should be placed in the one funnel trap and place the trap in
the field at various locations in the field just above the canopy level of the crop. Lure
may last up to 60 days depending upon climatic conditions
Attracts and traps Pink bollworm moth
Duration of effect
Lure is effective for 60 days.
Applicable crops
Cotton Crop
Extra description
This product is used as attractant of adults of Pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella)
in cotton to trap them for monitoring and mass trapping. It is found that it reduces the
intensity of pest incidence, and reduction in crop damage results in improved yields.
Special Remark
● Dispensers should be kept away from sunlight in a dry and cool place.
● OPen the pouch just only before the placement in the trap lure holder.
● The product expiry date is 1 years from production.