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How to Use
Key Points
Extra description
• Broad spectrum control- Effective control for a wide range of broadleaf and grassy weeds in Maize.
• Very safe to Maize crop with no known variety restrictions
• Works fast, rapidly with rainfastness for 1 hour
Chemical composition
Tembotrione 42% SC (34.4% w/w)
Foliar spray :115 ml/acre apply Teryn at 2-4 leaf stage of weeds or 12-15 days after sowing
Method of application
Foliar application ; 115 ml/acre + Agro Spread + Atraz (Atrazine 50% WP) 500g / Acre
Steps to make the stock solution-
Step 1 - Add Teryn- 115 ml in 6 lit water,
Step 2 - Add Atraz 500 gm in 6 lit water in a separate container,
Step 3 - Add Teryn and Atraz solution in a single container,
Step 4 - Add Agrispread 400 ml into the Teryn + Atraz container and add water to make the total stock solution to 13 Litres,
Take 1 Litre stock solution and spray along with 15-20 LT water. Do 13 such sprays in 1 Acre.
Teryn has to be used along with surfactant Agro Spread and Atrazine 50% WP (500g per Acre) for control of Broadleaf weeds and Grassy weeds in Maize. Take clean water for a spray solution. There should be adequate moisture in the soil for good product results. Use flat fan /flood jet nozzle for uniform spray