Andhra Pradesh
All Crops
Krishi Gyaan
Krishi Charcha
Agri Shop
Krishi Gyaan
Crop issues
Pale yellowing of leaves
Red rusty spots on leaves
White-waxy layer
Larval attack
Yellowing & wilting
Holes on shoots
Black sooty mould on upper side of lower leaves.
Crop drying off
Crop drying off
Reddish lesion on leaf midrib
Reddish lesion on leaf midrib
Pale yellowing of leaves
Pale yellowing of leaves
Yellow to pale orange streaks on leaves
Yellowing & curling of leaves
Whip like structure
Yellowing and stunted growth
Improper growth of leaves
Improper growth & yellowing
General yellowing
Low plant growth
Low plant growth
Translucent lesion on leaf margin
Translucent lesion on leaf margin
Yellowing of younger leaves