Andhra Pradesh
All Crops
Krishi Gyaan
Krishi Charcha
Agri Shop
Krishi Gyaan
Crop issues
Brown spotting
Curling, cupping & yellowing of leaves
Curling of leaves
Scrapping on leaves
White blotches on leaves
Wild okra-like leaves
White-waxy layer
Yellowing & wilting
Yellowing & wilting
Undeveloped bolls
Black sooty mould on upper side of lower leaves.
Curling of leaf
Curling & webbing of leaves
Yellowing & curling of leaves
Stunted plant & knotted roots
Damping off
Angular leaf spot
Weed Management
Boll rot
Verticelium wilt
dusky bug
Red Cotton Bug
Boll rot
Reddening of leaves
Low flowering; dropping
Improper growth
Flower dropping
Low fruit development