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ಅಗ್ರಿ ಶಾಪ್
Advisory ArticleAgroStar Agronomy Centre of Excellence
This is how watermelon is grown in a scientific way
• Well drained soil is suitable for watermelon cultivation. • Yields high in tropical climate. • Before sowing, ploughing should be done for 2- 3 times • Then beds are prepared 5 * 5 feet apart. Before preparing the bed, apply 100 quintals of well rotten cow dung and 20 quintals of neem cake per acre. • Arrange drip lines on beds and use 30 microns mulching sheet for mulching purpose. • For more information don't forget to watch the complete video! Source: AgroStar Agronomy center of excellence If this information is useful to you, don’t forget to like and share with your farmer friends.