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Red alert: Frequent use of single/same insecticides, a big risk!!!
Guru GyaanAgroStar Agronomy Centre of Excellence
Red alert: Frequent use of single/same insecticides, a big risk!!!
 Some of the farmers spray same insecticide frequently, if it gives a good result e.g. a mixture of acephate + monocrotophos is very popular in the farming community as this mixture makes the cotton plant turn green. This change may lead many issues like life span of cotton crop is extent and it invite or increases the incidence of pink bollworm and at the same time, sucking insects also increase.  Spraying of same insecticide repeatedly and if that insecticide is not safer to the natural enemies, definitely it results in drastically reduction of predators/ parasites.  Often use of same insecticide invites some of the disease in crop e.g. use of synthetic pyrethroids (name of insecticide suffix with “thrin” e.g. cypermethrin, fenpropathrin, permethrin etc.) repeatedly in cotton causing the incidence of alternaria.  Continuous spraying of same insecticides with same technical name causing changes in genetic properties of insect pests and resistance is developed in those insect pests against the same insecticides and insecticide become weaken against those insects.  Sometimes, indiscriminately and common use of insecticides, miner pest may become a major pest due to elimination of their natural enemies and become headache for us.  Insecticide that you are using frequently and that is major contributor to polluting the environment can cause great harm to our ecosystem.  The insecticides which you are using frequently and if it is not safe to honey bees, we will be responsible for calling the bee extinct.  The insecticide which you are using excessively and over again and if it has more side effect on the person who is spraying can lead to any serious issue over time.  If you go for frequent use of your favourite insecticide and the residue of that insecticide stays high in crop production, not maintaining the interval between harvest and last spraying; certainly adverse effect show on you or your consumers.  To get out from these kind of crisis; do not use same insecticide frequently, change the insecticide and its group, always choose green triangle label marked insecticide, do not mix more than one insecticide of the same group by yourself, add neem or sesame oil in the insecticide solution, avoid selection of insecticide having long persistency, spray only on ETL, follow IPM along with the insecticide, maintain the recommended interval between last spray and picking or harvest time of the crop, use biopesticide or botanical insecticide in between synthetic insecticide sprays etc. ………
Source: Agrostar Agronomy centre of Excellence, If you feel this information is useful, like and share it with your friends.