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अॅग्री दुकान
Management of leaf miner in lemon fruit trees
Guru GyaanAgroStar Agronomy Centre of Excellence
Management of leaf miner in lemon fruit trees
 Infestation of this pest is more prevalent in citrus nurseries.  The caterpillars are pale yellow and light green.  Larva feed on the epidermis of the leaves by forming circular tunnels leaving a silvery white appearance on the surface of the leaves.  This pest helps in spreading of citrus canker, a bacterial disease.  The damage caused by this insect also causes the leaves to curl, in which mealy bugs sometimes hide.  Do not prune trees at the time of new flush. Do it only once in the winter.  Incidence of the insect reduces when the new branches become hard.  Avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers  Infestation of this pest is less in citrus orchards with drip irrigation.  Suckers (water sprouts) may often develop on tree trunk on small trees which provide the shelter to this pest, so remove them.  Collect & remove the infested leaves especially in nurseries.  Install 5 pheromone traps per acre to control this pest.  On initiation of this pest, spray neem oil @ 50 ml or neem base formulations @ 20 ml (1% EC) to 40 ml (0.15% EC) per 10 lit of water or neem cake extract @ 1 kg or neem/ Naffatia leaf extract @ 1 kg per 10 lit of water.  On higher incidence, spray imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 5 ml or methyl-o-demeton 25 EC @ 10 ml per 10 lit of water. Apply carbofuran 3G @ 30 kg or phorate 10 G @ 15 kg per hectare in soil around the trees.  Since the infestation of this pest is much more on new leaves, spray the insecticide properly.
Source: AgroStar Agronomy Center of Excellence If you find this information useful, like it and share it with all your friends.
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