ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಬೆಳೆಗಳು
ಕೃಷಿ ಜ್ಞಾನ
ಕೃಷಿ ಚರ್ಚೆಗಳು
ಅಗ್ರಿ ಶಾಪ್
Animal diet should have vitamins
Animal HusbandryAgrowon
Animal diet should have vitamins
For healthy growth and body activities, animals require essential vitamins in their diet. Deficiency of vitamins results in the ill health of animals. These nutrients are organic compound substances and are required in very small quantity for the growth of body and bodily health. These are called vitamins.
• Vitamins are required in very small quantities in the body tissues for metabolism. • The deficiency of vitamins cause specific diseases. The vitamins cannot be stored because if exposed to the air, they are destroyed. • Some vitamins are created in the body itself. On the other hand some need to be included in the diet. Some vitamins are not obtained from the diet. Their deficiency causes diseases. Vitamins soluble in fats Vitamin A Benefits : • The inner lining of the digestive organs is maintained properly. • Useful for maintaining growth, disease resistance power and re-productivity. Deficiency: • Causes night blindness. • Retained placenta, delayed sexual maturity, delayed ovulation and false heat is observed. Availability: • Green Maize, green grass, milk and carrot Vitamin D Benefits : This is required to convert Calcium and Phosphorus into blood. Deficiency: • Causes rickets. Calcium and Phosphorus are not absorbed properly in the blood. • Dental diseases and bones become brittle • Hollowness in the knee and joint diseases are observed. Availability: • The animals should be in the morning sunlight for some time. • Sun dried grass should be fed in large quantities. Vitamin E Benefits : • If Vitamin E and Selenium are provided together, loss of early pregnancy in animals decreases. • Beneficial for keeping the body and skin healthy and disease free. • Necessary for reproduction. Deficiency: • It affects the heart muscles. • Deficiency causes re-production and infertility diseases. • Animal does not come into heat. Availability: • If lack of reproduction capability is observed, give injection of vitamin E. • Diet should contain fodder and grain in appropriate quantity. Vitamin K: Benefits : • Useful for blood clotting Deficiency: • Causes more bleeding from wounds. Availability: • All types of green fodder should be part of the animal diet. • This vitamin needs to be given through feed. Water soluble vitamins Vitamin B: Benefits • Beneficial for making nerves operational. • Important for stimulating process of metabolism. Deficiency: • Nerves swell and the muscles do not move Availability: • Vitamin B is given through injection. Note: The vitamin injections should be given to the animals by the veterinary doctor only. Reference- Agrowon